Because they thought that the third finger on their left hand was thought to be connected directly to the heart by the vena amoris, ancient Egyptians were buried wearing rings of silver or gold on that finger. Nowadays, that finger is usually reserved for wedding rings that symbolize love and unity. One of the first recorded uses of diamond wedding rings is the right set with thin, flat diamonds in the shape of an “M” that Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave to Mary of Burgundy. The wedding rings that a man will provide the love of his life with when he asks her to marry him might not look anything like those historic rings. But finding the right one will be sure to take her breath away.
The four Cs of diamonds that are used to determine their value are color, cut, clarity, and carat. Of those, cut generally has the greatest impact on the overall beauty of a diamond, and carat weight is the most objective way to compare them because the weight requires no estimated, comparisons, or judgments. It can be hard for individuals to find the right wedding rings, but if they are checking out diamonds, they should keep all of these things in mind. Doing so can go a long way towards finding one that is both beautiful and affordable.
In order to find the right wedding rings, many individuals will need to get some help. While some will find the help they need by hopping online and checking out lots of different products, others will want to get some advice from a professional jeweler. If someone has no experience buying jewelry, which is probably pretty common when it comes to wedding rings, they might want to consider any advice that a professional offers. Taking that advice can go a long way towards finding the right ring to start a marriage off on a happy note.
Unfortunately, one of the issues that many people run into when buying wedding rings is the fact that the perfect one might be too expensive. Of course nobody expects to buy something like the Hope Diamond, which is the most famous in the world, is more than 45 carats and deep blue, and is currently held in the Smithsonian museum. However, the most beautiful rings in a jewelry store might be out of the price range that someone can afford, so just ignoring the more expensive rings or working with a jeweler to come up with some sort of payment plan is a good idea.
My God, is there a more overused phrase than “take her breath away” when talking about jewelry. Good grief. Author could have done without that, though most of the article has some good information I guess.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.
Some of the uses of rings over history are really interesting. Now, they arent really used for anything other than a fashion statement, but the historical meanings are sometimes fun to learn about.