Is Your Business Ready for the Rise of “i” Devices?

Written by News Channel 2 on November 22, 2013. Posted in Computer inventory software, Mobile security, Network inventory software


By the end of 2013, according to ZD Net, 62% of all American businesses are expected to be utilizing a BYOD policy. Bring your own device policies have risen to prominence as a direct result of mass consumer utilization of smartphones. In the U.S. alone, 65 million people own and use a smartphone daily.

Making the decision to implement a BYOD policy is a smart one, but it’s not without its risks. As CMS Wire points out, companies can easily save $1300 per employee by requiring their employees cover the costs of hardware and at least a portion of monthly usage charges. However, opening up the floor to employee-owned devices also opens businesses up to a slew of security issues; data theft, identity theft, and considerable financial damage are the most significant.

Most Apple Devices Come Installed with iPhone Security Tools
One of the most popular device families, in and out of the workplace, are Apple’s “i” products. According to TechCrunch, Apple sold a combined total of 49.5 million iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers in just the fourth quarter of 2013. A recent study from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners found that 20% of all employees covered under BYOD policies plan to use an iDevice, like the iPad.

Compared to other mobile platforms, iDevices make it considerably easier to manage security. Take, for example, the iPhone 5S. It comes equipped with a fingerprint scanner and on-board software for encrypting data, making iPhone management for security a lot easier than it has been in the past.

Why iPhone Management is Still a Good Idea
Despite Apple’s move to make iPhone management for security easier for consumers and businesses, the fact remains that the tech giant doesn’t go far enough, ensuring that mobile device management software remains important in the business sphere.

  • Remote Security Measures
  • iPhone management software allows companies to track and lock-down employee owned devices that hold sensitive company data. In the worst case scenario, IT departments can remotely delete any important information from the phone, ensuring the company is protected and the employee shielded from personal data theft.

  • Limit Data Usage
  • As ZDNet writes, rampant data usage and spending make up some of the biggest costs of businesses using BYOD policies. By using iPhone management software, companies can set limits on how much data their employees can use, and completely eliminate app purchases completely.

While iDevices have certainly come a long way as far as on-board security features are concerned, the fact remains that businesses looking to shield themselves from excess spending and data theft need to go further. By using iPhone management for security and cost management, business of all types can improve their security and their company overall.

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