National statistics show that 80 percent of children will spend time in a day care setting by age 4. For many of their parents, choosing child care can be a very stressful responsibility. However, there are thousands of high quality child care programs all over the country that provide children with a slew of benefits.
When choosing child care programs, you will want to consider the child care costs, the credentials of the staff in each age group, the compliance to state regulations, security to the building, and so on. It is a good idea to find out what your state regulations are, and check the standing of daycare facilities you are considering. It is also a good idea to make a list of questions you want to ask the child care providers when you visit.
Once you figure out how to choose child care programs, you can put your mind at ease knowing your child will be exposed to all of its benefits. These programs are known to promote the social, emotional, and personal development of the children that attend. You can see proof in this claim through a study of low income children in Chicago. The study found that the kids that attended preschool were 28 percent less likely to develop alcohol or other drug problems. They were also less likely to wind up in jail or prison in adulthood, compared with kids who did not go to preschool.
Additionally, children whose parents are choosing child care with an education program are more likely to own a home, have a job, and earn at least 5,000 dollars per year more than a comparable group that does not receive pre kindergarten education. With the average 4 year old asking 437 questions a day, it is a good idea to have their daily care in an educational setting. The right child care can foster their growing in both academics and social play.
If you are ready to go back to work, begin researching the child care programs near you. Ask plenty of questions about their academic philosophies. You and your child will benefit from the healthy environment they grow in. Start the next step in the growth and development of you child by enrolling in child care today. Find out more about this topic here.