False insurance claims can happen to anybody. Visiting Funny Insurance Claims is an eye opening experience as you can see just how many people have to deal with criminals attempting to scam the insurance system. False insurance claims run the gamut from auto insurance fraud to medical. Keeping these three facts in mind can help you protect yourself and to improve the situation for others.
1. It is Not Just You
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, elephant insurance claims account for 40 billion dollars of ill gotten gains yearly. That does not even include health insurance fraud! Popular forms of fraudulent insurance claims are those following natural disasters. The FBI points out that following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as much as six billion in federal aid may have gone toward fraudulent claims. Fraud does not just affect you but all of us.
2. Insurance Companies Can Protect You
Avvo.com offers those in need of legal advice a place to get tips on a wide range of topics including false insurance claims. One user of the web page reported an incident where their insurance company contacted them to let them know they were being sued for over 3,000 dollars for a fender bender. This person had never been in the accident and had no idea where to turn for their defense. Kevin Sullivan, a San Francisco lawyer, stated that in these instances you need to let your insurance company know that this is a case of fraud so they can have their special investigation look into it for their protection as well as yours.
3. You Should Seek Law Enforcement Help
Do not stop at reporting your issue to your insurance company. If you are certain the claim being brought against you is a fabrication then you should also contact your state insurance bureau. These state run agencies will launch their own investigation into the problem. With any luck this will result in an arrest and save others from getting in your situation.
Having false insurance claims brought against you can be an extremely stressful, extremely jarring experience. However, by keeping these three things in mind you can get out of it successfully. At the same time you can help others to avoid your situation by spreading the word and helping law enforcement. Do not let yourself or others become victims of these criminals!
I was victimized by a group of scammers who drive two separate cars forcing a fender bending experience that I am 100% liable for. Who can help me now?
Oh, man. We had a guy try to sue us for two grand for his damaged bumper. Turns out he just didn’t like my dad. Guess who is in trouble with the law now?
Oh, man. We had a guy try to sue us for two grand for his damaged bumper. Turns out he just didn’t like my dad. Guess who is in trouble with the law now?
Oh, man. We had a guy try to sue us for two grand for his damaged bumper. Turns out he just didn’t like my dad. Guess who is in trouble with the law now?
Oh, man. We had a guy try to sue us for two grand for his damaged bumper. Turns out he just didn’t like my dad. Guess who is in trouble with the law now?
Oh, man. We had a guy try to sue us for two grand for his damaged bumper. Turns out he just didn’t like my dad. Guess who is in trouble with the law now?