Take a guess: How many blogs would you say there are on the entire web? If you said a million, you are way under. If you said 10 million, you still have a long way to go. Yes, reports find that there are an estimated 150 million different blogs currently online. That is more content than we can even read!
Bloggers tend to be prolific, and, indeed, 3 million new blogs are created every month. But it takes a certain determination, a specific intensity and a fierce determination to make blogging succeed in the largest realm of the online community. You might just make a blog because you are bored, but others have devoted their lives — and their wallets — to ensuring their blogs continue providing top-quality content all across the web.
The worlds most popular blogs are only popular because they took the time to get serious about blogging. Your humble little WordPress page can, too, with a little guidance and a lot of good ideas. To help inspire you, look up the top ten blogs in the world and see how you have your work cut out for you. Here are the top five, presented in not necessarily any order.
1. The Huffington Post. Began in 2005 by entrepreneur Arianna Huffinton, the Post has grown into the largest blog on the Internet by offering a variety of reporting topics. News, politics, entertainment, business, style and others are covered in depth. It was sold to AOL in 2011 and is currently one of the most famous blogs in the world.
2. TMZ. This celebrity news-themed website also debuted in 2005. Since then has ballooned to become a leader in breaking stories in the entertainment industry, though not without its fair share of controversy. TMZ is has become one of the worlds most popular blogs because of its relentless reporting on Hollywood culture.
3. TechCrunch. For the latest on technology, Internet culture, social media and startups, TechCrunch is your go-to source. TechCrunch is one of worlds most popular blogs for those looking to be in the know on tech matters. Much like the Huffington Post and TMZ before it, TechCrunch was acquired by AOL.
4. Mashable. Slightly more hip than TechCrunch but still on the ball, Mashable is one of worlds most popular blogs because of its wide range of appeal. Everything from tech news to pop culture to new gadgets gets covered here. Mashable keeps it real on social media, too.
5. The Daily Beast. Consider this one a bit of a Frankenstein creation. The Daily Beast offers a little of this (politics), that (fashion) and the other thing (innovation) all rolled into one. Among all the other world famous blogs, you can spot the Beast from its glowing red logo.
These are only a sampling of the worlds most popular blogs. For the rest, do a little exploring on the web. Who knows, you might even find your next career.