A regularly published newsletter can almost certainly increase your business. You may be asking how that can be. Well, for one thing, customers enjoy receiving information about a company that maybe outside of the normal channels. A newsletter will allow you to not only retain your current customers, but it can help you gain new customers.
Newsletters appear to be gaining in popularity. The Oxbridge Directory of Newsletters states that the directory increased more than 1,000 titles just this year. Other interesting statistics that may having you calling that newsletter printer include that 51 percent of people who open a newsletter or e newsletter have purchased at least one of their products or services.
When considering a newsletter printer or newsletter company, you should note that 33 percent of consumers say they acted on an offer that they received in a marketing email last month. Email marketing open rates have risen 14 percent compared to 27.2 percent from last year.
You probably want to consider the combination of a newsletter printer and an email marketing campaign to be very effective. Why would you want to use the product from a newsletter printer in the digital world we live in? They are still a very effective referral tool. Often one person will give a friend or relative a newsletter, just like they would forward an interesting email.
Your combination of the services of a newsletter printer and an email campaign can generally be provided by a newsletter pro or a newsletter publisher. Often these companies will create a full marketing plan that includes the use of both services. Additionally, e newsletters are combined with social media advertisement for maximum success. A good newsletter printer will know how to combine all of these aspects for the ultimate marketing effort.
A newsletter printer or newsletter marketing company can also provide you many other marketing services in addition to your newsletter. The newsletter printer can create company brochures and literature that can be used to further promote your company and its services or products.
Call a newsletter printer today and get on the path to a successful marketing plan, and increase your business and profit.
I actually like receiving newsletters in the mail, rather than reading on line.
Newsletters are a great way to put a lot of information into one small package.
Newsletters are a great way to put a lot of information into one small package.
Newsletters are a great way to put a lot of information into one small package.
Newsletters are a great way to put a lot of information into one small package.
Newsletters are a great way to put a lot of information into one small package.