Discover the Joys of Blog Reading
According to eMarketer, the popularity of blogging continues to grow, both in the number of readers and in the number of publishers. By the end of 2014 it is predicted that blog readership will rise to more than 150 million Americans. There’s a lot of blogging going on!
But what is our fascination with both reading and writing blogs and what separates ordinary blogs from a great ones? Americans are turning to the Internet now more than any other time in history to receive information and news. Blogs can provide an outlet to get news in a non traditional way, or a more reader friendly way. Blogging news gives readers less clinical, more personalized news and information and connect to readers and Internet users in a way that traditional news outlets cannot. And though many news outlets continue to deliver news through traditional methods such as radio, television and newspapers, getting an online dose of news through blogging is often a great way to deliver news to the masses.
This is great news for bloggers and those who write blogger info and blogger news. It means they are finally becoming an accepted part of online media. In fact, in just a few years, more businesses have turned to blogging to reach a greater audience. From companies to lawyers and other professionals, blogging as a way to transfer news and information to the public has been grown in leaps and bounds. But does this mean that the public will not be able to discern between quality, honest information, and that of an incoherent rambler? It’s possible that readers will have to take the information they receive through journals and weed out the truth. It will be important to understand the difference between journalistic news and reporting from the average person. There still needs to be a standard by which the public gets its news and online information.
This form of writing should be viewed as a positive, especially for consumers who want to know more about companies and their products. Those in search of online journals will find that there are some that are good and some that are not so good. It is possible to find great blogs online. This form of writing and information sharing is here to stay. It’s okay to start using blogging as a tool by which we send and receive information.
Comments (6)
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.
I write a blog weekly and though I have some great fans and readers, I’m mostly happy to just write it for myself as a form of meditation and release.