iPhone management and other device management is becoming increasingly popular in the work force. Bring your own device, or BYOD businesses, are cropping up everywhere, and as such, need protection for the devices used. Currently business mobile users make up more than 30 percent of all mobile service subscribers in the United States.
According to a recent report, 50 percent of companies with BYOD models require employees to cover all technology costs, and employees are by and large compliant. However, this really should not be the case in some situations. Mobile device management should be under control by both the employer and the employee, especially if there is secure information at risk. Some companies need protection, and are unaware of this fact.
In a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners survey of over 1,000 consumers, one in five said they will use the new iPad for business purposes. Yet most of these will probably be forced to be in charge of that devices whereabouts and the consequences that follow it being damaged or lost. If a company does not help with the protection of these devices, they really should not institute such a policy.
The BYOD model of classroom computing has also become increasingly popular, as it benefits both students and school districts. This can certainly be a better situation than at work, since losing a device at school will not result in the loss of top secret information or business activity, however it is still a problem if a student does not have proper iPhone management. If their device is unprotected, that can be a very dangerous situation for them to fall in should another student get a hold of their device.
An Enterasys survey in Feb 2012 found that 74 percentof companies allow some level of Byod usage. Yet the amount of iphone security and other management of devices is lower than that level. Security should be top priority, and although it is a BYOD policy, the company should take concern with it as well.