Did you know that the horse riding industry in the United States is worth roughly 112 billion dollars? Humans have been riding horses since approximately 4500 BC, and horse riding is still a popular activity today. Before riding a horse, however, it is important to obtain all the proper horseback riding gear. Without it, both you and your horse could be at risk for serious injury.
1. Pants. There are several different types of horseback riding pants available. Breeches, jodhpurs, chaps, and stirrup pants are all commonly worn while riding a horse. Although each type of this horseback riding apparel has its own style, it is all used to make the horse riding experience more comfortable, safe, and rewarding.
2. Boots. Horse riding boots extend highly on the legs of wearers in order to protect their legs from rubbing against the saddle. In addition, they have low tread so that they do not get caught in the stirrups, and they typically have a 1-1.5 inch heel for riding purposes. Although some boots are designed differently, most are created specifically for safely riding a horse.
3. Winter blanket. In order to keep horses warm while they are ridden in cold weather, winter horse blankets are available. These blankets are tailored to fit each individual horse so that they can be worn comfortably by each horse. Winter blankets also shield horses from other natural elements, as well, including wind, rain, and hail.
Before riding a horse, it is important to acquire all the proper horse riding gear. Winter blankets, boots, and horseback riding pants must all be used to protect yourself and your horse from any dangers. By using them, your horse riding experience will be as safe and rewarding as possible. Research more like this: www.thetwistedbit.com
Thanks, what a fantastic article! I had no idea that horseback riding required so many different pieces of equipment. Well I know that I need to get them now before I start my horseback riding adventure, so thanks again for all your helpful advice!