As the old cliche goes, time is money. Many may find this to be an obvious statement in most cases, but in terms of business, the notion is crucial. When it comes to the operations of any sort of business, efficiency is key. Employers want employees that can work fast, they want machines that work fast, computers that run fast, and so on. But doing something quickly and also accurately can often be a challenge. Recent advances in technology have made great strides towards accomplishing this, however.
Business cards are an essential item for many companies to have because they are a great way to spread the word and promote. However, producing business cards is not always incredibly convenient for a company to do in house, which is why they will typically outsource that service. With improved enterprise cloud technology and wireless scanning tools such as portable scanners, business card scanner technology has arrived, making it much more convenient for companies to print their business cards right in house.
Of all Sandhill surveyed IT decision makers, 50 percent of respondents said that their primary reason for adopting cloud technology was business agility. A study by the International Data Corporation shows that a typical enterprise with 1,000 knowledge workers will waste between 6 to 12 million dollars each year by “searching for nonexistent information, failing to find existing information, or recreating information that can’t be found.” Within the next 5 years, more than 60 percent of server workloads are expected to be virtualized, according to analyst firm Gartner.
According to estimates conducted by InfoTrends, each year in the United States, more than 1.019 trillion business documents are printed, copied, or faxed. The use of cloud printing and business card scanners in companies may lead to these numbers decreases due to less need for the use of paper. To better manage time and resources, companies can begin using advanced portable technology such as business card scanners.